CV - munkáim

FILM AND TELEVISION............................... 2012. Bence Fliegauf - Just the wind - feature film, costume designer 2011-12. Fitt térítő - Paprika TV, set designer, stylist 2010. Spektrum Home; Paprika TV- stylist 2010. Dániel Erdélyi - "Magasfeszültség" - short film - costume designer......................... 2010. Justin Reardon - "Zoltán" - short film - costume designer....... 2009. Lóránd Banner Szűcs - "Pipás" - short film - costume designer 2009. Orsolya Nagypál - "Hidegyzuhany" - short film - costume designer........................ 2009. Márk Bodzsár - "Levegőt venni" - short film - production and costume designer................................. 2009. Nora Lakos - Home - short film - assistant art department 2009. Ágnes Böjte - "Párbeszéd" - short film - (post prod.) - costume designer ...................................... 2009. Roland Vranik - Transmission - feature film - costume designer 2009. Daniel Young - Pinprick - feature film - costume designer 2008. Márk Bodzsár - Golgotha - short film - (post prod.) - set designer ................................... 2008. HBO Production - Born loser, 1-12. epizode - TV serial - costume designer ................................ 2008. David Spah - "Fordítva" - short film - costume designer ...... 2008. Áron Koszeg - Dionaea - short film - costume designer.......... 2008. Daniel Erdélyi - 411-Z - short film - costume designer .......... 2008. Attila Till - Panic - feature film - costume designer ............... 2007. Erik Novák – Nosedive – feature film – costume designer 2007. Ferenc Török – Overnight – feature film – costume designer 2007. Szabolcs Tolnai – Hourglass - feature film – costume designer 2006. Péter Halász – Herminafield – film – set designer .................... 2005. László Kistamás – „Sajtkukac" – TV program for children – set and costume designer ...................... 2005. Ferenc Török – Wonderful wild animals – TV film – costume designer .............................. 2005. Roland Vranik – Black Brush – feature film – costume designer 2004. Ferenc Török – Season – feature film – costume designer 2003. István Szabó – Being Julia – feature film – prop mask executor 2002. Ferenc Török – Shoes – short film – costume designer............... 2002. Pater Sparrow – Trick – short film – costume designer ............... 2002. András Jeles – Joseph and his brothers – feature film – special mask executor ......................... 1999. Pater Sparrow – Something – short film – visual designer.......................................................................... COMMERCIALS AND MUSIC VIDEOS Clients: European Commission, Strongbow, Samsung, Pöttyös, Milka, EDF, Pannon, DJuice, Samsung, MKB Bank, Magyar Állampapírok, T-Com, T-Online, HVB Bank, Allianz, UPC, ÜCS, OTP Bank, Raiffeisen, Chio, Pöttyös, Milka, Metropol, Nestle, Pilóta Keksz, IHM Internet, GKM, Baumax, Westel, Chappi, Euronics, Nokia, Arany Ászok Beer, Holsten Beer, Borsodi Beer, Bonbonetti, Signal, Radio Juventus, LB-Knauf, Figyelo Magazin, Ledo IceCream, Index, Jovanotti music video, Beri music video, Eszter Bartók music video - styling, mask .......................... Directors: Koen Mortimer (B), Ben Woolf (UK), Kim Kwang Seok (ROK), Daniel Erdélyi, Viktor Pacsorasz, Ferenc Török, Gábor Herendi, Márton Vécsei, György Pálfi, Roland Vranik, Dávid Spáh, Márton Nyitrai, Bálint D. Sós, Sándor Bisztrai, Péter Fazakas, Marcell Iványi, Gábor Rohonyi, Márk Kostyál, Kristóf Forgács, Fanni Herczeg, Daniel Young (USA), Manó Csillag Production companies: Budapest Animation, Cafe Film, Extreme Film, Filmpartners, Filmpositive, Filmteam, Future Film, Inforg Studio, JAP Films, Laokoon Film, Movie Bar, Pioneer Production, Pipacs Film, Popfilm, Proton Cinema, Show & Game, Skyfilm ........... .......................................................... THEATER ..................................... 2012. Árpád Schilling/ Krétakör: Noé Planéte - Theater National Chaillot, Paris - costume designer 2012. Béla Pintér Company: 42nd week - Szkéné Theater, special props 2012. Yvette Bozsik - 1001 nights' flowers, National Dance Theatre - costume and visual designer 2012. Viktor Bodó - W.S.: A Midsummer Night's Dream - Graz, Schauspielhouse - special props 2011. Yvette Bozsik - The Arabian Nights, National Dance Theatre - costume designer 2011. András Borgula - Vinnai: "Lefitymálva" - set and costume designer 2010. Béla Pintér - "Szutyok" - Szkéné Theater - masks and props 2010. Yvette Bozsik - Director's Cut - Trafó - costume designer 2009. Béla Pintér - "Párhuzamos óra" - Szkéné Theater - mask and props 2009. Vilmos Vajdai - Homeros: Ulysses - TÁP Theater, Trafó - costume designer 2009. Tamás Asher - Julian Crouch & Phelim McDermott: Shockheaded Peter - Örkény Theater - mask executor, collaborated with Fruzsina Nagy 2008. Gábor Máté - Biljana Srbljanovic: Sáskák - Katona József Theater - special effect 2008. Péter Forgách - Frank Wedekind: Lulu - Víg Theater - special effect 2007. Péter Valló - Shakespeare: All good... - Víg Theater - special effect 2007. Tamás Ascher – Ibsen: The duck – Katona József Theater – special prop designer 2006. Györgyi Kari, Can Togaj – Heart Circus Variety – A38 Boat – special prop designer 2006. Viktor Bodó – Sganarelle – Katona József Theater – special prop designer 2006. Kornél Mundruczó – Camus: Caligula – Radnóti Theater – costume designer 2006. Yvette Bozsik – Four Seasons – Kolibri Theater – set designer 2005. Fruzsina Nagy – Recycled – Trafó Contemporary Art House – set designer 2005. Judit Oláh: Pipora – TÁP Theater – director, set & costume designer 2005. Péter Gothár – Common Insanities – Kamra Theater – special prop designer 2005. Viktor Bodó – „Ledarálnak, eltuntem" – Kamra Theater – masks and props designer 2004. Fruzsina Nagy – Dream of the wardrobe – Trafó Contemporary Art House – mask & costume designer 2004. Yvette Bozsik – Commedia del'arte – Kamra Theater - mask designer 2003. Silent Theater – Molnár: Liliom – Új Theater – set & costume designer 2003. Yvette Bozsik – Bacchanalia – Kamra Theater – mask designer 2002. Yvette Bozsik, Vilmos Vajdai – Romeo & Julia – TÁP Theater –costume designer 2002. Vilmos Vajdai – Etchno – TÁP Theater – costume assistant 2002. Yvette Bozsik – Orwell: Animal Farm – Katona József Theater – mask designer 2001. Yvette Bozsik – Dadaists – Kamra Theater – mask & costume designer 2001. Vilmos Vajdai – Techno Variety – TÁP Theater – costume designer 2000. Yvette Bozsik – Petofi: Valiant John – Katona József Theater – special props designer 1998-2000. assistant to Péter Halász director 1997-1998. assistant to Tamás Király fashion designer

Friss topikok


nivea - karácsonyi stop motion animáció

2011.12.20. 22:14 :: sooskaa

 sosa = díszlet

rendező, fotós = szamarasz daphne

a videó ITT látható

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